Volonteri i zaposlenici Udruge IKS dan 6. srpnja 2021. proveli su u Karlovcu u dobrom društvu udruge Carpe Diem sudjelujući na njihovom programu “Dnevni boravak u Karlovcu”. U sklopu navedenog programa volonteri udruge Carpe Diem održali su umjetničku radionicu koja je svojom jednostavnošću privukla velik broj djece. Potrebni su bili mali papir, akrilne boje, ravnalo […]
Oznaka: puppetry

Petrinja kroz Lutke VI. // Petrinja through Puppets VI.
Welcome back to a new episode of ‘Petrinja through Puppets’. // Dobrodošli natrag u novu epizodu ‘Petrinja kroz lutke’. 1. ”Now and then, 4 long-time friends meet, discuss their lives, exchange stories and jokes around a cup of coffee and biscuits.” // ”Povremeno se sretnu 4 dugogodišnja prijatelja, raspravljaju o svom životu, razmjenjuju priče […]

Petrinja kroz Lutke V. // Petrinja through Puppets V.
Hello, good people and welcome back to a new episode of ”Petrinja through Puppets”, where I portray the town of Petrinja through Puppets. Enjoy. // Pozdrav, dobri ljudi i dobrodošli nazad u novu epizodu “Petrinja kroz lutke” gdje prikazujem grad Petrinju kroz lutke. Uživajte! What is a home? // Što je dom? 1. […]

Petrinja kroz Lutke IV. // Petrinja through Puppets IV.
Our dear people, grandma Nada decided to walk through Petrinja and to check how she breaths, are there any of new words, voices and stories… What does baka Nada has to say this time? // Dragi naši, baka Nada se odučila prošetati Petrinjom i vidjeti kako diše, stižu li nove riječi, glasovi i priče… Što […]

Loic’s Puppetry Workshops – Puppet theatre on the intercultural youth exchange
Association IKS conducted another activity for young people in Orahovica within the project “CROSS WORK – partnership of education for global citizenship”. The Intercultural exchange of primary school students from the area of Banija within the CROSS WORK project was conducted in Orahovica in the period from 17th to 25th of April 2021 at the […]

Petrinja kroz Lutke III. // Petrinja through Puppets III.
Our puppets are still walking through Petrinja… This time they got surprised with state of city and with feeling that time has stopped. // Naše lutke i dalje šeću kroz Petrinju… Ovog puta ostale su zatečene stanjem i osjećajem da je vrijeme stalo. 1. “Do my eyes decieve me or I still see […]

Petrinja kroz Lutke II. // Petrinja through Puppets II.
Petrinja through puppets is continuing and telling her stories through lot of questions that are on our minds, but every question and questioning of reality has it’s answer. // Petrinja kroz Lutke nastavlja pričati svoju priču kroz mnoštvo pitanja koje nam se roji po glavi, ali svako pitanje i preispitivanje realnosti nosi svoj odgovor. […]

Puppetry 101
What is Puppetry? What qualifies as a Puppet? What types of Puppets can you craft? Where do Puppets come from? How do you use Puppets? What is the purpose of Puppets? Can you use Puppets for educational and pedagogical purposes? What are the best types of puppets you can make with children?… These are the […]