Ovaj dokument izrađuju ADRA Hrvatska, Udruga IKS i Gradsko društvo Crvenog križa Glina kao dio projekta (UP. (ob)Nova SMŽ – Jačanje, pripravnost i održivost lokalne zajednice u odgovoru na krize, financiranog od strane Europske unije preko Europskog socijalnog fonda te Ureda za udruge Vlade Republike Hrvatske.
Ovaj dokument pruža zajedničko razumijevanje krize, uključujući humanitarne potrebe i procijenjeni broj ljudi kojima je potrebna pomoć. Svrha izrade dokumenta je prikaz realnog stanja godinu dana nakon provedene prve procjene humanitarnih potreba, a dvije godine nakon potresa, kako bi se pružio adekvatan i žurni odgovor stanovništvu pogođenom potresom do završetka obnove.
Procjena humanitarnih potreba – Azurirano 2023
ADRA Hrvatska, Udruga IKS i Gradsko društvo Crveni križ Glina izradile su ovaj dokument u sklopu projekta (UP. (ob)Nova SMŽ – Jačanje, pripravnost i održivost lokalne zajednice u odgovoru na krize, financiranog od strane Europske unije preko Europskog socijalnog fonda te Ureda za udruge Vlade Republike Hrvatske.
Dokument je izrađen u ime Koordinacije humanitaraca SMŽ i partnera. Humanitarni interventni plan predstavlja osmišljeni koordinirani, strateški odgovor od strane humanitarnih organizacija kako bi se zadovoljile trenutne potrebe ljudi pogođenih krizom. Temelji se na i odgovara na dokaze o potrebama opisanim u Procjeni humanitarnih potreba iz 2021./2022. i ažuriranom izdanju iz 2023. godine.
Humanitarian Response Plan – Sisak-Moslavina County 2023-2024
Info letak ”Change Makers” nastao je kao produkt koji prikazuje aktivnosti i viziju projekta Europskih snaga solidarnosti ”Change Makers” u periodu 2020.-2022. godine. Projekt je nastao kao idejni odgovor na posljedice pandemije, a u praksi je poslužio kao poligon mogućnosti za uključivanje domaćih i stranih volontera pri pružanju aktivnosti usmjerenih na poboljšanje kvalitete života stanovništva SMŽ u kontekstu post potresnog perioda. Projekt Change makers inkluzivnog je karaktera te je kao takav prepoznat kao primjer dobre prakse od strane Nacionalne agencije za mobilnost i programe EU. U info letku pronaći ćete ”the story behind it”, te tko su change makersi i kakve su promjene činili u zajednici dok su se iste zbivale u njima.
Škola prijateljica ljudskih prava (PDF)
Publikacija iz projekta “Zajednica za ljudska prava”. Resurs je u originalu na engleskom jeziku vlasništvo Amnesty International. Ova publikacija je prevedena na hrvatski i adaptirana za projekt i srednje škole u projektu. Autori su Amnesty International Hrvatska i udruga IKS. Tiskana je 2013. godine u sklopu projekta “Zajednica za ljudska prava” financiranog iz EU programa “Europski program za demokraciju i ljudska prava” ili European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR).
Priručnik stvoren u projektu „Oaza za djecu“ vlasništvo je udruge OAZA – Održiva alternativa zajednici. Projekt u partnerstvu s udrugom IKS uključuje rad s učenicima kroz tri područja održivog razvoja: ekološki, ekonomski i socijalni. Kroz ekološki dio pomažemo školama u pokretanju školskih vrtova, u gradu ili selu, u skladu s mogućnostima i potrebama škola. Školski vrtovi služe kao mjesto gdje provodimo edukativne radionice s djecom o raznim temama iz područja zaštite okoliša i ekologije. Kroz ekonomski dio nastojimo djeci prenijeti osnovna znanja o ekonomiji i radu s novcem. Veliku pomoć u razvoju projekta pružaju nam međunarodni volonteri koji nas posjećuju kroz program Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Radom volontera u školama te održavanjem radionica o nenasilnoj komunikaciji promoviramo socijalni aspekt održivog razvoja.
OAZA_Priručnik o osnivaESS PROJEKT CHANGE MAKERS_info sheetnju školskih vrtova
Training Course: “GAME ON” output – GAME ON BROCHURE pdf
Lead partner organisation: Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej is a non-governmental organization, operating since 2008, promoting the demands of non-formal education, key competencies, attitudes of openness, tolerance and equality of life in a multicultural society.
Our main activities are focused on supporting the development of children and young people,
equalizing educational opportunities and disseminating culture. We strive to form a society
that is involved in the affairs of our community. We promote the idea of volunteering and social activity. We achieve our goals by organizing workshops, training sessions, conferences, happenings, concerts and festivals.
Playing, through games and activities, is fundamentally a medium for storytelling and
learning; creating “magic circles”, where rules are set and changed. Through accepting this
artificial setting and situation, and playing along, lives can be changed for the better.
It is in this way that games are a strong tool for bringing youth and all people together, and
empowering them to tackle serious topics; sometimes even outside of the scope of the game
itself. This is why we believe that learning to gamify aspects of (formal and non-formal)
educational activities in everyday life through a better understanding of the game and
narrative design can lead to enjoyable and educational methods of lifelong learning by also
softening the boundaries between different groups, thereby also preventing prejudice and
THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT was to involve youth and youth workers from
different backgrounds and social strata in the development and creation of different
educational games, activities, and tools focused on improving language competences in
order to not only empower them through the scope of the process of creation but also in
contributing to the educational processes of other youths, thereby creating sustainable
avenues of lateral empowerment amongst youngsters.
Coordinating international volunteer guidebook
This is a practical guide for organisations and youth workers to support their volunteers and enhance their learning experience, with a special focus on those volunteering through the European Solidarity Corps programme.
Aims of the tool
This guidebook aims to support youth workers and organisations in providing quality management of international volunteers and enriching their learning experience in a non-formal setting. You will find practical information, administrative tips, useful tools, and various case studies to contextualise the topics discussed.
The information and advice you will find in this guidebook are written under the context of the European Solidairty Corps programme but most of which is applicable or can be adapted to all volunteers, regardless of the programme.
No matter if you have years of experience in working with international volunteers or if you are just starting preparations for your first volunteer – this guide has been written to support you and to enhance the volunteer’s experience.
There are six sections in the guide, each providing advice, tools and personal experiences. These are stand alone sections that you can navigate to directly, or read through in succession. At the end of the guide there are also a range of associated tools that can be adapted, printed and used in your own organisation.
- Introduction to international volunteering
- Administrative tips and tricks
- The role of the sending organisation
- Transversal collaboration between sending & hosting organisation
- The role of the hosting organisation
- Crisis management
This guidebook has been developed as part of an Erasmus+ funded project called “Rise in Quality”, a collaboration between four partner organisations across Europe: Association for promotion of IT, culture and coexistence (IKS) from Croatia, Pistes Solidaires from France, Association Mundus from Spain and Replay Network aps from Italy. All partners have a rich experience in working with international volunteers, they have implemented a number of international projects and have experience in supporting volunteers as sending and hosting organisations.
Coordinating International Volunteers
Essential toolbox for volunteers
This is an informative and educational toolbox for both hosting organisations and volunteers on the European Solidarity Corps programme. It provides guidance and tips on how to optimise the volunteering experience.
Aims of the tool
The experience of international volunteering can be a beautiful one, but also overwhelming at times, especially in the beginning when the individual has to adapt to a new environment and take in a lot of new information. Furthermore, we recognise that many non-governmental organisations working with international volunteers are often faced with limitations due to a lack of finance, staff, time for educations/workshops, or reading best practices for supporting volunteers.
Therefore, this platform was created as a toolbox for both hosting organisations and volunteers, so that the quality of support given to young people volunteering is not compromised due to other commitments you have in your role. A range of information is gathered together in a simple way to share the essentials about the European Solidarity Corps programme and provide guidance on how to optimise the volunteering experience at all levels.
There are three main modules on the platform, each containing key information, advice, interactive tools and downloadable materials for you and your volunteers to use throughout their mobility.
- Where am I?
- My hosting organisation
- My new environment
- My volunteering from a practical point of view
- Administrative management
- My volunteering activities
- Volunteering: a learning and supported experience
- The starting point of a learning experience
- Being volunteer = being supported
This online platform has been developed as part of an Erasmus+ funded project called “Rise in Quality”, a collaboration between four partner organisations across Europe: Association for promotion of IT, culture and coexistence (IKS) from Croatia, Pistes Solidaires from France, Association Mundus from Spain and Replay Network aps from Italy. All partners have a rich experience in working with international volunteers, they have implemented a number of international projects and have experience in supporting volunteers as sending and hosting organisations.
Essential toolbox for volunteers platforma
Projekt SoMoveED – Social Education on the Move – proizvedeni Outputi…
Rezultati projekta – “Outputs”
Projekt SoMoveED ima za cilj modificirati pristup poučavanju i učenju u partnerskim institucijama. Stoga pripremamo nekoliko rezultata. Prvi rezultat (O1) knjiga koja sadrži članke o teoriji i praksi mobilnog obrazovanja. Drugi rezultat (O2) je edukativni video koji će vam omogućiti da vidite primjere mobilnog obrazovanja. Sljedeća dva ishoda su priručnik za učenike (O3) i priručnik “alat” za nastavnike (O4). U svakoj obrazovnoj ustanovi modificirat će se programi iz odabranih predmeta, to je rezultat – O5. Konačni rezultat projekta bit će online tečaj (MOOC – O6). Nadamo se da će materijali koji će biti razvijeni u sklopu projekta SoMoveED biti od pomoći i drugim sveučilištima.
Na poveznicama ćete pronaći rezultate 01, 03 i 04.
72197_Learning_on_the_Move_Social_Education_Handbook_for 72198_Teaching_on_the_Move_Social_Education_Toolkit_for_
The project SoMoveED aims to modify the approach to teaching and learning in partner institutions. Therefore, we are preparing a few results. The first (O1) will be a book containing articles on the theory and practice of mobile education. The second result (O2) is an educational video that will allow you to see examples of mobile education. The following two outcomes are the student handbook (O3) and the teacher’s toolkit (O4). In each educational institution, programs in selected subjects will be modified this is the output – O5. The project’s final result will be an internet course (MOOC – O6). We hope that the materials that will be developed as part of the SoMoveED project will be also helpful in other universities.