Our puppets are still walking through Petrinja… This time they got surprised with state of city and with feeling that time has stopped.
Naše lutke i dalje šeću kroz Petrinju… Ovog puta ostale su zatečene stanjem i osjećajem da je vrijeme stalo.
1. “Do my eyes decieve me or I still see christmas decorations although we celebrated Easter?” -Looks like not, I can see pine needles shining in silver.
1. “Varaju li me to moje oči ili još uvijek vidim božićne ukrase makar smo već proslavili Uskrs?”
-Izgleda da ne, vidim borove iglice koje se sjaje u srebru.
2. “I will stop for a second and apsorb situation. Is christmas tree hiding behind this door?”
2. “Zastat ću malo i upiti situaciju. Krije li se iza ovih vrata još uvijek okićen bor?”
3. “I feel like time has stopped in that moment and that we’ll have Christmas forever. The reminder is still her no matter how many months has passed.”
3. “Osjećam se kao da je vrijeme stalo u tome trenutku i da ćemo imati vječni Božić. Podsjetnik je uvijek tu bez obzira koliko je mjeseci već prošlo.”
4. Merry Christmas to us all and let the point be to keep forever christmas spirit of constantly gifting, giving and taking, circle of solidarity. So, let’s not keep it just a few days in a year, but we want that spirit of Love is our permanent follower through our everyday life.
4. Sretan nam Božić svima, a neka njegova poanta bude zadržati vječni božićni duh konstantnog darivanja, davanja i primanja, kruga solidarnosti. Neka se ne zadrži samo tih nekoliko dana u godini, želimo da nam duh Ljubavi bude stalni pratitelj kroz svakodnevni život.
Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS.
The contents of this article is the sole responsibility of Association IKS.
Projekti ”Change Makers” i ” Puppet theatre” financirani su sredstvima EU iz programa Europskih snaga solidarnosti.
The projects ”Change makers” and ” Puppet theatre”are funded by EU through the European solidarity corps programe.