My name is Camille Martin, I am 18 years old and I live in Saint Zacharie in the south of France. I am enrolled in the psychology faculty and I am currently taking a gap year. During this year I want to learn about new cultures and new traditions. Later I want to work with […]
Kategorija: ESS
Volonterska akcija na OPG-u Andrija Belovarić u Mahovu
On November 4th, 2024, we organized a small volunteering action at the Andrija Belovarić family farm (OPG) in Mahovo, a small village located in the heart of the Sisak-Moslavina County. The aim of this event was to provide volunteers from the European Solidarity Corps with an opportunity to get to know the local community, culture, […]
Shana – new volunteer in Petrinja
My name is Shana, I’m 23 years old, and I come from Marseille, in the south of France. Currently, I’m in search of what I truly want to do in my life, and I see this volunteering experience with the association Udruga IKS in Croatia as a great opportunity to discover more about myself while […]
Dan u Udruzi KAS – Chloeino iskustvo volontiranja tijekom terapijskog jahanja za djecu
Udruga KAS is an association that offers various activities involving horses, including therapeutic riding. This practice involves having a child ride a horse, which walks at a slow pace for several minutes with the child on its back. It has been proven that, thanks to the pelvic movements, this activity is very beneficial for the […]
”Financijska pismenost za male” – održana radionica u OŠ Dragutin Tadijanović
Prema istraživanjima, razina financijske pismenosti kod mladih u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nije na zadovoljavajućoj razini. Studija Hrvatske narodne banke iz 2019. godine pokazala je da je financijska pismenost kod građana Hrvatske ispod europskog prosjeka, dok su mladi i učenici često manje informirani o osnovnim financijskim konceptima. Mnoga djeca i adolescenti nemaju dovoljno prilika za učenje […]
Andrea iz Španjolske – nova volonterka u Udruzi IKS
My name is Andrea, I am from Cadiz, a city located in the region of Andalucia, in the south of Spain. I am currently 22 years old. Among many things, I am a student of History and Archaeology since my greatest dream has always been to be a teacher, to be able to teach and […]
IKS na Sajmu zadrugarstva, obrta i turizma u Sunji
Već tradicionalno, u Sunji je održan Sajam zadrugarstva, obrta i turizma na kojem je ove godine sudjelovala i Udruga IKS. Na Sajmu su predstavljene poznate pasmine hrvatskih konja – hrvatski posavac, hrvatski hladnokrvnjak, lipicanac i međimurski konj, a svim posjetiteljima je pružena jedinstvena prilika za stjecanje znanja i uživanje u ljepoti tih plemenitih životinja. Uz […]
Hugo iz Francuske – novi volonter u Udruzi IKS
Hello !! My name is Hugo, I am 19 years old, I come from Dakar, and I live in Marseille. I am currently on a gap year, and after having done several internships and apprenticeships in various fields, I decided to do European volunteer work to conclude my gap year. Traveling and discovering new cultures […]