Već tradicionalno, šestu godinu za redom održao se Socijala ljetni festival mladih u suradnji Aktivaca, Savjeta mladih Grada Petrinje i Udruge IKS. Na dva dana, 9. i 10.srpnja, kupalište u Petrinji postalo je prava čarolija prepuno glazbe, smijeha, razgovora, fotografija i likovnih umjetnina. Dekoracije za festival su nastale uz pomoć naših lokalnih i ESS volontera, […]
Kategorija: Aktivci
Aktivci su grupa mladih, aktivnih građana Petrinje koji žele biti pokretači promjene s izrazitim naglaskom na programe i događanja za mlade.

Završio projekt Centra za mlade
Tijekom lipnja i srpnja 2019. godine u Udruzi IKS održavao se projekt “Centar za mlade” sufinanciran od strane Sisačko – moslavačke županije. Cilj projekta bio je uspostaviti prostor kojim se mladi mogu koristiti za druženje, učenje, organiziranje radionica ili aktivnosti te koristiti ostale usluge Centra za mlade. Udruga IKS okuplja veliki broj mladih osoba te […]

My perspective of Socijala Summer Festival – Sofia Silva
10 months have passed, and I can’t believe it was that fast. During all these months, I’ve been through a variety of moments that I never expected to spend in my life and it had a big impact on me. I left a big city and began to live in a small town, surrounded by […]

My perspective of Socijala Summer Festival – Gabriele Vacca
My name is Gabriele Vacca and I am a volunteer for SMILE&GO project in Petrinja, Croatia. I’m in Croatia for two moths, a short term project, since 14th of May and until 11th of July. During the first part of project I’ve felt really sad and alone because the first impact with small city and […]

My perspective of Socijala Summer Festival – Julie Finucci
” volunteering ”: every person has his own definition of this word including multiple reasons and motivations, purposes and goals, ways and expectations. IKS volunteering program can be thought as a synonymous of creativity: between multiculturalism and adaptation, creativity is growing and is kind of contagious. As we are all used to say, ” sharing […]

My perspective of Socijala Summer Festival – Yalina Alvarez
Hi, my name is Yalina and I came from Spain to Petrinja to participate in a short term volunteering. During the whole month of June, IKS volunteers have been organizing Socijala Ljetni Festival of this year and I have to say that both the organization process and the festival days were incredible. The festival lasted […]

My perspective of Socijala Summer Festival – Giorgia Vignando
My name is Giorgia and I come from Italy. I decided to come to Croatia to get to know the culture, to meet new people and to live a new experience outside my country. It was the best decision I could take. As soon as I arrived, we started working on organizing and promoting Socijala […]

My perspective of Socijala Summer Festival – Marina Castro
My name is Marina and I have been volunteering at IKS for a month. During this time we have been preparing the decoration for the festival, as well as different activities for people of all ages, such as yoga, meditation, reading poetry in different languages and games for the little ones. Our intention was to […]