Association IKS conducted another activity for young people in Orahovica within the project “CROSS WORK – partnership of education for global citizenship”.
The Intercultural exchange of primary school students from the area of Banija within the CROSS WORK project was conducted in Orahovica in the period from 17th to 25th of April 2021 at the Center for Education of the City Red Cross Osijek. A total of forty-one sixth, seventh and eighth grade elementary school students from Mečenčani, Sunja, Dvor and Jabukovac and five supervisors participated in the exchange.
The 10 day long exchange offered to it’s participants a daily youth club programme designed and implemented by IKS staff and ESC volunteer Loic on the project Puppet theatre in partnership with Luxebourg.
Volunteer Loic designed and implemented various activities covering the topic of puppetry for kids aged 11-13 years. The main aim of these activities is adressing topics and social needs like acceptance, appreciation, belonging, companionship, tolerance, multiculturalism, creativity using puppets as a tool of communication.
Loic prepared 3 workshops on how to make puppets intoroducing children to 3 different tehniques and puppet production styles.
Workshop I. was about making paper finger puppets.
Workshop II. was about Sock Puppets
Workshop III. was about paper roll marionette puppets:
The contents of this article is the sole responsibility of Association IKS.
The project ”Puppetry and Education” is funded by the Luxembourg National Agency.