My name is Caroline, I’m 22 years old and from Marseille, France. I’m sensitive, outgoing, and very curious. I’ve always wondered what I truly wanted to do in life. Initially, I decided to study social work because I’ve always been drawn to helping others and wanted to feel useful. However, after stopping and restarting my […]

My year in Croatia by Sami
My year in Croatia A lot of stuff happened here this year. I was just looking for another adventure, for another life experience, but somehow, this was much more than that… Somehow, I found this place—perfect for me. Perfect not only because it was related to my studies, not only because I always wanted to […]

ReBuild mladih: Poziv za prijavu u radnu skupinu za izradu Gradskog programa za mlade Petrinja
Udruga IKS I Grad Petrinja pozivaju sve zainteresirane dionike – mlade, predstavnike organizacija, institucija i stručnjake – da se prijave za sudjelovanje u radnoj skupini za izradu Gradskog programa za mlade. Ovo je jedinstvena prilika da aktivno sudjelujete u kreiranju politika koje će oblikovati budućnost mladih u našem gradu! Zašto sudjelovati? ✔ Izravno utječete na […]

Stigla nam je Doriane iz Francuske
My name is Doriane, I’m 23 years old, and I’m French. I followed a very ordinary educational path: I graduated with a high school diploma, a BTS, and a bachelor’s degree in human resources. I have never found a job in human resources because employers believe I lack professional experience in the field. Due to […]

ReBuild mladih: Održana prva fokus grupa s mladima u sklopu mapiranja potreba mladih u Petrinji
U subotu, 1. veljače 2025., u Društveno-kulturnom centru Udruge IKS u Petrinji održana je prva fokus grupa u sklopu mapiranja potreba mladih, važnog koraka u izradi nacrta za Gradski program za mlade. Ova aktivnost dio je projekta ReBuild Mladih: Gradimo temelje sutrašnjice, koji Udruga IKS provodi u partnerstvu s Gradom Petrinja. Na fokus grupi okupilo […]

ReBuild mladih: Što je gradski program za mlade? Kako nastaje? Tko ga radi? Zašto je važno sudjelovati?
Jesi li znao_la da kao mlada osoba možeš direktno utjecati na budućnost mladih u Petrinji? U današnjem članku otkrivamo zašto je važno sudjelovati u izradi Gradskog programa za mlade i kako upravo ti možeš doprinijeti promjenama koje želiš vidjeti! U sklopu projekta ReBuild mladih:Gradimo temelje sutrašnjice Udruga IKS u suradnji s Gradom Petrinjom za cilj […]

Asocciation IKS is looking for a new DKC volunteer!
!!!Association IKS is looking for a volunteer that will join the team on a 12 month long volunteering position “DKC volunteer”over the European Solidarity corps. !!!! Check the info pack here: Dkc volunter info sheet DESCRIPTION Join our mission to revive the spirits of residents in Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia. After facing the aftermath of an […]

Asocciation IKS is looking for a new Civic education volunteer!
!!!Association IKS is looking for a volunteer that will join the team on a 12 month long volunteering position “Civic education”over the European Solidarity corps. !!!! Check the info pack here: Civic education volunteer info sheet DESCRIPTION Through this position we want promote civic education and youth participation as pillars for revitalising our communities. If […]