What is Puppetry? What qualifies as a Puppet? What types of Puppets can you craft? Where do Puppets come from? How do you use Puppets? What is the purpose of Puppets? Can you use Puppets for educational and pedagogical purposes? What are the best types of puppets you can make with children?… These are the […]
Novo volontersko lice u Petrinji – Loic
U sklopu ESS projekta ”Puppetry and Education” u partnerstvu s Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes iz Luksemburga, Udruga IKS ugostit će volontera Loica na 6 mjeseci. Projekt je fokusiran na lutkarstvo kao edukativni medij za djecu i mlade. Loic će kroz 6 mjeseci u Petrinji volontirati u lutkarskom studiju i proizvoditi lutkarske predstave. Dok traju […]
Saul – novi volonter u Udruzi IKS
U sklopu novog projekta Europskih snaga solidarnosti pod nazivom Change makers čiji je nositelj Udruga IKS, u Petrinju polako pristižu nova volonterska lica. Projekt je orijentiran na promociju i razvoj međugeneracijske solidarnosti, smanjenje nejednakosti među mladima u školama kroz razvijanje neformalnih metoda obrazovanja te promociju tolerancije, solidarnosti, prihvaćanja i multikulturalizma. Projekt Change makers realizira se […]
Age of Migration – new capacity building project with LE.MO.N
LE.MO.N. is a federation of 15 European NGOs, from 13 different countries, working together to share and create high-quality educational projects that enable young people to live and work across Europe. This unique network of organisations aims to pool European youth projects – be they internships, volunteer placements, learning partnerships, or international exchange programmes – […]