VolonterIKSi u šetnji sa slijepima / Volunteer walk with the Blind

31.3.2021. volonteri Udruge IKS, pas Keljo i korisnici Udruge slijepih SMŽ organizirali su jutarnju proljetnu šetnju prirodom kod jezerca u Sisačkoj Željezari.

*scroll bellow for english version

Uz šetnju i razgovor korisnici i volonteri uživali su u proljetnim mirisima i zvukovima cvrkuta ptica koje su nas pratile putem.

Mladi i stariji rasporedili su se u parove, te su volonteri bili videća pratnja i uz pokoji savjet radnih terapeutkinja Udruge slijepih, savladali asistiranje slijepim osobama pri kretanju u prostoru. Skupa su istraživali zvukove i mirise, pričali priče iz prošlosti i uspoređivali sjećanja iz mladosti s izgledom kvarta danas. 

Veselimo se budućim šetnjama i druženjima.

Kako su volonteri doživjeli aktivnost pročitajte u tekstu koji slijedi, a kako nam je bilo pogledajte u galeriji;

”Danas, 31.ožujka, rano ujutro Ena, njen pas Keljo i ja smo pozvani u šetnju sa Udrugom slijepih i slabovidnih. Šetali smo oko jezerca u Željezari, Sisku. Vodio sam slijepu baku Radmilu. Bila je veoma ljubazna, ima ljubazno lice i dobro joj ide engleski jezik. Pričali smo o Luksemburgu, o obitelji, o zemlji podrijetla mojih roditelja (Cabo Verde) i ostalim svakodnevnim temama. Bilo je zaista ugodno. Poslije šetnje smo sjeli u kafić na kavu i piće na terasi, tipično za hrvatsku kulturu. Super je to način za započeti dan.”

– Loic 

’31. ožujka 2021.-e godine sam se obogatila za još jedno novo iskustvo. Naime, u koordinaciji sa Udrugom IKS i Udrugom slijepih grada Siska sam dobila mogućnost za prošetati kroz željezarsku šumicu i jezerce ruku pod ruku sa novim poznanikom Ivanom. Oduvijek sam se pitala kako je to kad trebaš obratiti više pažnje na osjećanje svijeta oko sebe budući da je pristup slikama ovog svijeta onemogućen. Ivan i ja smo se raspričali o glazbi, filmovima i mislim da smo bili spremni na još jedan krug po šumici, ali bilo je i starijeg društva koje je kroz lagani tempo upijalo što šuma ima za reći, a ne samo vizualni dio njenog zelenila. Za mene je ovo skroz novi i interesantan doživljaj jer sam na trenutke i zaboravila na činjenicu da smo u šetnji sa slijepcima zbog njihove lakoće snalaženja u prostoru. Ivan raspoznaje obrise i sprijateljio se sa psom Keljom, vidio je obrise njegove smeđožute boje i pričao o svojima psima i koliko ih voli. Kasnije smo sjeli na kavu kod teniskog igrališta i mudriji su dijelili svoje priče iz djetinjstva, a čuli smo i zanimljive viceve. Tu sam tek postala skroz svjesna situacije kad je moja prijateljica Iva Toš otvorila šećer baki Dragici i promiješala ga. Divim se njenoj sposobnosti i odgovornosti u Udruzi slijepih i divan mi je njihov pristup stvarnosti. Brzo je prošlo vrijeme, a meni ostaju misli kako bi mogli sudjelovati u više takvih aktivnosti.”

– Ena


3/31/2021 volunteers of Association IKS, dog Keljo and beneficaries of the Association of the Blind SMŽ organized a morning spring nature walk near the lake in Sisak – Željezara.

With the walk and conversation, beneficaries and volunteers enjoyed the spring scents and sounds of birds chirping along the way. Young and old were divided into pairs, and the volunteers were a”seeing companion” and, with the occasional advice of occupational therapists from the Association of the Blind, mastered assisting blind people in moving around the space.

Together, they explored sounds and smells, told stories from the past, and compared memories from their youth with the look of the neighborhood today.

We are looking forward to future walks and gatherings.

Read how the volunteers experienced the activity in the text that follows, and how it was for us, see in the gallery;

Today, on the 31st of March, in the early noon, Ena, her dog Keljo, and I were invited to go on a walk with a Crew of blind and visually impaired. We walked around the little lake Željezara in Sisak. I was shepherding, Radimilla, a blind grandma. She was nice, has a kind face and her English was very good. We talked about Luxembourg, about family, about my parents’ country of origin, Cabo Verde, and other small talk topics. It was very pleasant. After the walk, typical of Croatian culture, the crew stopped, at a bar for coffee and drinks on the terrasse.

Great way to start the day.” 

  • Loic

31st of March 2021 I’ve enriched myself with an one more new experience. So, in coordination with Association IKS and Association of blind people of city Sisak I’ve got possibility to walk through wood and lake in Željezara, hand by hand with my new acquaintance Ivan. I’ve always asked myself how is it when you have to give more attention to feel the world as the access to pictures of this world is disabled. Ivan and me talked about music, movies and I think that we were ready for another circle through forrest, but there were also elder company also who was in slower tempo, apsorbing what the forrest has to say, not only the visual part of her green vegetation. For me, this is the whole new and interesting sensation because in the moments I’ve forgot about the fact that we’re in walk with blind people because of their sense of space around them. Ivan is good in recognition of contours and he befriended Keljo, the dog. He saw contours of Keljo’s brown-yellow hair and he talked about his dogs and how much he loves them. Later we were at coffee by the tennis field and the wise ones talkes about stories from their childhood and we heard interesting jokes. In that moment, I’ve became full aware of situation when my friend Iva Toš openned sugar for the grandma Dragica and mixed it in the coffee. I admire Iva’s ability and responsibility in Association of blind people and the way they cope with reality is wonderful. The time passed so fast, and to me remain thoughts about how we can do more of activities such as this is. ”

  • Ena


Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS.

The contents of this article is the sole responsibility of Association IKS.


Projekti ”Change Makers” financiran je sredstvima EU iz programa Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

The project ”Change makers” is funded by the European Union through the European solidarity corps programe.


Europske snage solidarnosti logo 3x 300x272 - VolonterIKSi u šetnji sa slijepima / Volunteer walk with the Blind

udrugaikslogo2 1 - VolonterIKSi u šetnji sa slijepima / Volunteer walk with the Blind