U sklopu ESS projekta ”Puppetry and Education” u partnerstvu s Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes iz Luksemburga, Udruga IKS ugostit će volontera Loica na 6 mjeseci. Projekt je fokusiran na lutkarstvo kao edukativni medij za djecu i mlade. Loic će kroz 6 mjeseci u Petrinji volontirati u lutkarskom studiju i proizvoditi lutkarske predstave. Dok traju pandemijske mjere, Loic će se upoznavati s osnovama lutkarstva i kuhati planove i sadržaje za bolja vremena kada ćemo se opet moći družiti jedni s drugima uživo. Do tada, lutke će komunicirati virtualnim putevima.
*Scroll bellow for English version.
Saznajte više o Loicu u daljnjem teksu.
‘‘Dobar dan.
Moje ime je Loic Rodrigues, imam 25 godina i dolazim iz Eischena, malog sela u Luksemburgu. Tražio sam priliku da postanem dugoročni volonter u zemlji u kojoj nikada nisam bio, s temom koja bi me s lakoćom mogla osvojiti. Bilo je prilično neočekivano, ali zahvaljujući Europskim snagama solidarnosti pronašao sam pravi projekt za sebe. Tema je obrazovanje kroz lutkarstvo i sve što se oko njega vrti. Lutkarstvo 101, lutke za izdržljivost, pedagoški pristupi s lutkama, različite vrste lutkarstva, Lutkarsko kazalište i predstave za djecu i s djecom, i još mnogo toga. Tako ću do kraja svibnja biti volonter Udruge IKS u Petrinji u Hrvatskoj. Pozdravljam ovu nevjerojatnu priliku da ulaštim i razvijem svoje društvene vještine, naučim hrvatski jezik, naviknem se na hrvatski životni stil i živim izvan svog luksemburškog balona. Hvala ti što me imaš, Hrvatska.”
As part of the ESC project “Puppetry and Education” in partnership with Agence Nationale pour l’Information des Jeunes from Luxembourg, Association IKS will host the volunteer Loic for 6 months. The project is focused on puppetry as an educational medium for children and youth. For 6 months in Petrinja, Loic will volunteer in a puppet studio and produce puppet plays. During the pandemic measures, Loic will get acquainted with the basics of puppetry, cook plans and materials for better times when we will be able to spend time with each other in person again. Until then, the puppets will communicate in virtual ways.
Find out more about Loic in the text bellow.
”Dobar dan.
My name is Loic Rodrigues, I am 25 years old and I am from Eischen, a small village in Luxembourg. I was looking for the opportunity to become a long-term volunteer in a country I never been to, with a topic that could captivate me with ease. It was quite unexpected, but thanks to the European Solidarity Corps, I found the right project for me. The topic is Education through Puppetry and anything that revolves around it. Puppetry 101, Puppets for resiliency, Pedagogical approach with Puppets, different types of puppeteering, a Puppet theater for and with kids, and much more. So until the end of May, I will be a volunteer at Udruga IKS in Petrinja, Croatia. I welcome this amazing opportunity, to polish and develop my social skills, learn the Croatian language, get accustomed to the Croatian Lifestyle, and live outside of my Luxembourgish bubble. Thank you for having me, Hrvatska.”
Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS
The content of this article is the sole responsibility of Association IKS
Projekt ”Puppetry and Education” financiran je sredstvima Luksemburške Nacionalne Agencije.
The project ”Puppetry and Education” is funded by the Luxembourg National Agency.