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Hello everyone,
My name is Carmen, I’m 19 years old and I’m coming from France, Toulouse. I am a short-term volunteer (for two months) at the IKS association in Petrinja, this is my hosting organisation and my sending organisation is Horspistes located in Marseille. The project is called “ESCpresso” and it’s supported by the European solidarity corps.
Why did I decide to go on this mission ? Well, I live comfortably, I don’t need anything. This is not case for everybody. That’s why,I wanted to be useful, try to help people the best I can. After the earthquake in Petrinja, I felt concerned about the local people. I thought it was the opportunity to help, open my mind, learn a new culture.
I arrived in Petrinja at 8pm, 31.5.2021. I could meet Duška (my host), Ena and Loic, two long-term volunteers, and Keljo an amasing dog. They told me that there were still some earthquakes from time to time but nothing dangerous. During the first night, I woke up because of an earthquake. The apartment shoke, it only last 3 seconds but it was enough to scare. The positive point is that I directly got into the mood ! In the morning, I could meet Nadja and everybody who works it the organisation. They were so nice to me and the explain the current situation and how they went through everything. They were also shocked about what happened last night because it didn’t happen for so long in that intesity. The worst has already happened, so things can just go better !
Here I have to develop material for children, organising activites for children and vulnerable people, and many other things which will be useful. Yesterday I went to school in Hrvatska Kostajnica, so that I could meet children. The experience is going to be great ! Udruga’s people are super kind and the place is beautiful, specially the landscape. There are many forests and great rivers, it’s perfect for walks !
Bok !
Pozdrav svima,
Moje ime je Carmen, imam 19 godina i dolazim iz Francuske, Toulouse. Kratkoročni sam volonter na dva mjeseca u Udruzi IKS u Petrinji i to je organizacija koja me primila i smjestila, a organizacija preko koje sam došla u Petrinju je Horspistes koja se nalazi u Marseilleu. Moj projekt se zove ESCpresso i podržan je kroz Europske snage solidarnosti.
Zašto sam se odlučila na ovaj pothvat? Pa, živim ugodno i ništa mi ne treba. To nije slučaj za sve ljude i zato sam htjela biti korisna i pomoći ljudima najbolje što mogu. Poslije potresa u Petrinji osjećala sam brigu o lokalnim ljudima. Pomislila sam da je ovo dobra prilika za pomoći, otvoriti svoj um, naučiti nešto o novoj kulturi.
Stigla sam u Petrinju u 8 sati navečer, 31.5.2021. kad sam upoznala Dušku (kod koje sam smještena), Ena i Loic, dva dugoročna volontera, te Kelju- sjajnog psa. Rekli su mi da još ponekad ima potresa s vremena na vrijeme, ali ništa opasno. Tokom prve noći boravka ovdje probudio me potres. Stan se tresao, trajao je samo tri sekunde, ali dovoljno za uplašiti se. Pozitivna stvar oko toga je da sam odmah ušla u raspoloženje. Ujutro sam upoznala Nadju i sve koji rade u Udruzi IKS. Bili su ugodni prema meni i objasnili su mi trenutnu situaciju, te kako su prošli kroz sve. Također ih je šokirao taj potres jer se dugo nije dogodio u tom intezitetu. Najgore se dogodilo tako da stvari mogu samo na bolje!
Ovdje trebam stvarati sadržaj za djecu, organizirati događaje za njih i osjetljive skupine, te mnoge druge stvari koje će biti korisne. Jučer sam išla u školu u Hrvatskoj Kostajnici tako da sam upoznala djecu. Ovo iskustvo će biti super. Ljudi iz Udruge IKS su jako dragi i mjesto je prelijepo, pogotovo krajolik. Ima puno šuma i super rijeka, te je savršeno za šetnju.
Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS.
The contents of this article is the sole responsibility of Association IKS.
The project ESCpresso is funded by the French National Agency throughout the European Solidarity Corps programme.
Projekt ESCpresso financiran je sredstvima Francuske nacionalne agencije kroz program Europskih snaga solidarnosti.