„Rise in quality“ je Erasmus+ projekt koji ima za cilj unaprijediti kvalitetu rada s međunarodnim volonterima. Konačni cilj je stvoriti vodič, korisne alate i online trening koji će osigurati prenošenje znanja kako ugostiti međunarodne volontere, jer ponekad organizacije domaćini za to nemaju vremena ili znanja . Prošli tjedan, od 26. do 30. travnja održan je trening „Volonterska podrška u kriznim situacijama” s našim partnerima Pistes Solidaires iz Francuske, Replay network iz Italije i Association Mundus iz Španjolske. Trening se održavao u prostoru Mlinskog kamena koji se iskazao kvalitetom usluge, gostoprimstvom i ljubaznošću.
Trening je bio vrlo formativan, a obradili smo pojam krize iz nekoliko različitih stajališta. Prije svega, radili smo na osobnim krizama s kojima se volonteri mogu suočiti tijekom mobilnosti te sustava potpore koji se mogu uspostaviti da ih podrže. Potom nam je g. Buđanovac, stručnjak za krizne intervencije, govorio o različitim vrstama kriza, a posebno o temi samoubojstva i što možemo učiniti da ih spriječimo, te o volontiranju u kriznim situacijama poput potresa ili poplave. Osim toga, naučili smo mnoge alate koji olakšavaju rad s volonterima. Posljednjeg dana sudjelovali smo u aktivnosti pod nazivom „Game day“ koju su volonteri IKS-a pripremili za razred sisačkih srednjoškolaca i Udruge Slijepih Sisačko-moslavačke Županije. Na programu je bila štafeta, utrka na jednoj nozi, utrka sa povezom preko očiju…za cjelodnevnu zabavu u prostoru Kluba mladih SKWHAT! Poslijepodne se sastojalo od posjeta Petrinji, s Nadjom, našim izvrsnim vodičem za upoznavanje cijele povijesti grada. Na kraju, da bismo zaključili ovaj trening, napravili smo sažetak i evaluaciju svega što smo naučili tijekom ovog tjedna.
Sudionici sada drže sve karte u rukama te znaju kako reagirati u slučaju krize!
Projekt „Rise in quality“ financiran je sredstvima EU kroz program Erasmus+, KA2 Strateška partnerstva u području mladih. Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS.
“Rise in quality” is an Erasmus+ project that aims to improve the quality of work with international volunteers. The final goal is to create a guide, useful tools and online training that will ensure the transfer of knowledge on how to host international volunteers, because sometimes host organizations do not have the time or knowledge for this. Last week, from 26th to 30th April the training “Volunteer support in crisis situations” was held with our partners Pistes Solidaires from France, Replay network from Italy and Association Mundus from Spain. The training was held in the area of Mlinski kamen, which showed the quality of service, hospitality and kindness.
The training was very formative, and we covered the concept of crisis from several different points of view. First of all, we worked on the personal crises that volunteers may face during mobility and the support systems that can be put in place to ease them. Then Mr. Buđanovac, an expert in crisis intervention, spoke to us about different types of crises, especially the topic of suicide and what we can do to prevent it, and about volunteering in crisis situations such as earthquakes or floods. In addition, we learned many tools that make working with volunteers easier. On the last day, we took part in an activity called “Game day” prepared by IKS volunteers for a class of high school students from Sisak and the Association of the Blind of Sisak-Moslavina County. The program included a relay race, a race on one leg, a race with a blindfold… for a whole day of fun in the space of the Youth Club SKWHAT! The afternoon consisted of a visit to Petrinja, with Nadja, our excellent guide to get to know the entire history of the city. Finally, to conclude this training, we made a summary and evaluation of everything we learned during this week.
The participants now hold all the cards in their hands and know how to react in case of a crisis!
The project “Rise in quality” was financed with EU funds through the Erasmus+ program, KA2 Strategic partnerships in the field of youth. The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the Association IKS.