Novi volonter u gradu- Diogo!

*scroll down for English version


Hello, my name is Diogo.

I’m 19 years old i live in Urrugne (France).

I studied 4 years of painter in building at Cantau and I don’t really appreciate that work cuz it’s very repetitive.

I speak 4 languages (Portuguese, French, Spanish and English).

I like to do sports like bodybuilding or jump rope, cardio, reading mangas and manhwas, listening to music(the one I like the most is pop), play video games like Pokemon or far cry and practice muay thai (thai boxing).
I practiced the muay thai for 1 year but then I had to stop it because I had an operation but after my recovery I will return to the traingins.
I decided to do this volunteering to improve myself and do some changes in my life to turn it better.
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Pozdrav, moje ime je Diogo, imam 19 godina i živim u Urrugne (Francuska).

Studirao sam 4 godine za soboslikara u građevinarstvu na Cantauu i ne cijenim baš taj rad jer se stalno ponavlja.

Govorim 4 jezika (portugalski, francuski, španjolski i engleski).

Volim se baviti sportom poput bodybuildinga ili preskakanja užeta, kardio vježbi, čitati mange i manhwas, slušati glazbu(ono što najviše volim je pop glazba).

Volim također igrati i videoigre poput Pokemon ili Far Cry i trenirati muay thai (tajlandski boks).

Trenirao sam 1 godinu no morao sam prestati s tim jer sam imao operaciju no kad se vratim u Francusku ponovno ću početi s treninzima.

Odlučio sam volontirati kako bih  napravio neke promjene u svom životu te ga promijenio na bolje! 

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Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS.

The contents of this article is the sole responsibility of Association IKS.

The project TAKE OFF RELOADED is funded by the French National Agency throughout the European Solidarity Corps programme.

Projekt TAKE OFF RELOADED financiran je sredstvima Francuske nacionalne agencije kroz program Europskih snaga solidarnosti.

pistes solidaires big - Novi volonter u gradu- Diogo!

Europske snage solidarnosti logo 3kdjdx - Novi volonter u gradu- Diogo!