Završen projekt „Rise in quality“

Rise in quality je projekt Erasmus+ strateškog partnerstva koji se provodio u partnerstvu s Pistes Solidaires iz Francuske, Udruge Mundus iz Španjolska i aplikacije Replay Network aps iz Italije u periodu od rujna 2020. do prosinca 2022. Projekt je imao za cilj podržati razvoj kapaciteta organizacija i osoba koje rade s međunarodnim volonterima, te utjecati na povećanje kvalitete podrške pružene volonterima.

Projekt „Rise in quality“ napisan je nakon potresa koji su se dogodili u Zagrebu početkom 2020. godine, te usred karantene pandemije Covida 19 s vizijom podrške radu naše organizacije i naših partnera. Događaji koji su uslijedili – nastavak pandemije i jak potres koji se dogodio u Petrinji krajem 2020. godine, dodatno je učinio projekt aktualnim i pomogao nam da steknemo znanja o upravljanju volonterima u kriznim situacijama.

Kako bi postigli ciljeve projekta održali smo sljedeće aktivnosti:

  • Trening „Volunteer support in crisis situations“ održan u Petrinji sa 5 sudionika
  • On line trening „Working with international volunteers – How to develop on line inducion for volunteers“ s 8 sudionika
  • Konferenciju „Benefits of international volunteers for your community“ s 47 sudionika
  • Lokalne diseminacijske aktivnosti u svakoj od partnerskih zemalja, kroz koje smo o rezultatima projekta informirali preko 1000 osoba
  • Razvoj priručnika „Coordinating international volunteers“ za osobe koje rade s volonterima
  • Razvoj online platforme „Essential toolbox for volunteer“ za međunarodne volontere

Znanja i vještine koje su sudionici stekli kroz projektne aktivnosti mogu koristiti u svakodnevnom radu s volonterima ili mladima. Intelektualni rezultati pružaju podršku svim organizacijama koje rade s volonterima, s naglaskom na sudionike Europskih snaga solidarnosti. Udruga IKS nastavlja dijeliti i promovirati intelektualne rezultate unutar naših partnerstava i mreže, te će iste koristiti za podršku našem radu s volonterima.

Projekt „Rise in quality“ financiran je sredstvima EU kroz program Erasmus+, KA2 Strateška partnerstva u području mladih. Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS.


Rise in quality is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project that was implemented in partnership with Pistes Solidaires from France, Mundus Association from Spain and Replay Network aps applications from Italy in the period from September 2020 to December 2022. The project aimed to support the development of the organization’s capacity and persons who work with international volunteers, and influence the increase in the quality of support provided to volunteers.

The project “Rise in quality” was written after the earthquakes that occurred in Zagreb at the beginning of 2020, and in the midst of the quarantine of the Covid 19 pandemic with the vision of supporting the work of our organizations and our partners. The events that followed – the continuation of the pandemic and the strong earthquake that occurred in Petrinja at the end of 2020, additionally made the project relevant and helped us gain knowledge about managing volunteers in crisis situations.

In order to achieve the goals of the project, we held the following activities:

  • Training “Volunteer support in crisis situations” held in Petrinja with 5 participants
  • On line training “Working with international volunteers – How to develop on line induction for volunteers” with 8 participants 
  • Conference “Benefits of international volunteers for your community” with 47 participants
  • Local dissemination activities in each of the partner countries, through which we informed over 1000 people about the results of the project
  • Development of the manual “Coordinating international volunteers” for people who work with volunteers
  • Development of the online platform “Essential toolbox for volunteer” for international volunteers

The knowledge and skills that the participants acquired through the project activities can be used in their daily work with volunteers or young people. The intellectual results provide support to all organizations working with volunteers, with an emphasis on the participants of the European Solidarity Corps. Association IKS continues to share and promote intellectual results within our partnerships and networks, and will use them to support our work with volunteers.

The project “Rise in quality” was financed with EU funds through the Erasmus+ program, KA2 Strategic partnerships in the field of youth. The content of this article is the sole responsibility of the IKS Association.

lemon network erasmus - Završen projekt „Rise in quality“