Planovi aktivnosti IKS-a za novu godinu u Žabicama počeli su 15. siječnja s aktivnošću koja zahtijeva olovke, kemijske olovke i dvanaest stranica ručno nacrtanih kalendarskih listova spremnih za ukrašavanje.
Volonterima je bilo sugerirano da naši prijatelji u Klubu Žabica trebaju podršku u dugoročnom planiranju i upravljanju vremenom, pa su pripremili aktivnost za njih s ciljem poticanja da razmisle o svojim željama i interesima za budućnost ukrašavanjem listova kalendara i postavljanjem istih na zid.
The IKS plans for the new year at Žabice started on the 15th of January, with an activity in need of pencils, pens, and twelve pages of hand drawn calendar sheets ready for decoration.
It had been suggested to the IKS volunteers that the beneficiaries’ grasp on long-term planning and time managament could use some support, so they volunteers prepared an activity with the goal of getting the beneficiaries to think about their wishes and interests for the future by decorating the calendar sheets and hanging them up on the wall.
This would produce a way of visualizing the passage of time. After an “obligatory” coffee break, the sheets for each month were handed out, and the beneficiaries took to the task with enthusiasm, illustrating with some prompting, their favourite things about the calendar month they’d taken. Amidst a cheerful ambience, ideas and pencils were exchanged and furious colouring ensued.
From the deep blue sea of the summer months, to the winter wonderland at the end of the year, from the realistic field of flowers to an abstract art piece of sunlight, a wide array of ideas and styles were produced. After the drawings had been finished, important events like holidays were immediately inserted into the calendar, truly completing the calendar’s purpose.
After completing the calendar, the next challenge was finding a place to visibly display it, and the Žabice eventually decided to put it up on the bathroom door. With the help of the volunteers, who had to resize the individual sheets thanks to the narrowness of the door, the sheets were provided with a sticking agent and glued onto the chosen surface, providing a year long calendar that would be visible every day of the year and have enough spaceto notate all important events without sacrificing aesthetic value.
„Financirano sredstvima Europske unije. Iznesena mišljenja i stavovi odražavaju isključivo stav autora i ne moraju se podudarati sa stavovima Europske unije i Agencije za mobilnost i programe EU. Ni Europska unija ni tijelo koje dodjeljuje bespovratna sredstva ne mogu se smatrati odgovornima za njih.”
Sadržaj ovog članka isključiva je odgovornost Udruge IKS.
The contents of this article is the sole responsibility of Association IKS.