!!!Association IKS is looking for a volunteer that will join the team on a 12 month long volunteering position “DKC volunteer”over the European Solidarity corps. !!!! Check the info pack here: Dkc volunter info sheet DESCRIPTION Join our mission to revive the spirits of residents in Sisak-Moslavina County, Croatia. After facing the aftermath of an […]
Kategorija: volonteri

Asocciation IKS is looking for a new Civic education volunteer!
!!!Association IKS is looking for a volunteer that will join the team on a 12 month long volunteering position “Civic education”over the European Solidarity corps. !!!! Check the info pack here: Civic education volunteer info sheet DESCRIPTION Through this position we want promote civic education and youth participation as pillars for revitalising our communities. If […]

Asocciation IKS is looking for a new VolunteerIKS!
!!!Association IKS is looking for a volunteer that will join the team on a 12 month long volunteering position VolunteerIKS over the European Solidarity corps. !!!! Check the info pack here:VolunteerIKS info sheet Project description As a VolunteerIKS, you will be a crucial part of the efforts led by Association IKS to alleviate the earthquake’s […]

Camille – nova volonterka u Udruzi IKS
My name is Camille Martin, I am 18 years old and I live in Saint Zacharie in the south of France. I am enrolled in the psychology faculty and I am currently taking a gap year. During this year I want to learn about new cultures and new traditions. Later I want to work with […]

Shana – new volunteer in Petrinja
My name is Shana, I’m 23 years old, and I come from Marseille, in the south of France. Currently, I’m in search of what I truly want to do in my life, and I see this volunteering experience with the association Udruga IKS in Croatia as a great opportunity to discover more about myself while […]

Dan u Udruzi KAS – Chloeino iskustvo volontiranja tijekom terapijskog jahanja za djecu
Udruga KAS is an association that offers various activities involving horses, including therapeutic riding. This practice involves having a child ride a horse, which walks at a slow pace for several minutes with the child on its back. It has been proven that, thanks to the pelvic movements, this activity is very beneficial for the […]

Dani kruha 2024. u Sisku s Klubom Žabice
Every year in mid-October in Croatia we celebrate the Days of Bread and thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth. Bread days are closely related to World Food Day (October 16), which has been celebrated since 1979 to raise public awareness of the problem of unbalanced food distribution in the world and the need to […]

”Financijska pismenost za male” – održana radionica u OŠ Dragutin Tadijanović
Prema istraživanjima, razina financijske pismenosti kod mladih u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nije na zadovoljavajućoj razini. Studija Hrvatske narodne banke iz 2019. godine pokazala je da je financijska pismenost kod građana Hrvatske ispod europskog prosjeka, dok su mladi i učenici često manje informirani o osnovnim financijskim konceptima. Mnoga djeca i adolescenti nemaju dovoljno prilika za učenje […]